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Interests ranked from most to least interested!
(and my fav character from each one if applicable)
(UNDERLINED = Main interests)
Sonic the Hedgehog - Miles "Tails" Prower
Pokemon - Meowscarada
Scott the Woz
Battle for Dream Island - Ruby
Sinjin Drowning
Normalsville - Leo
LittleBIGPlanet - The Negativitron
Warrior Cats - Graystripe and Redtail
Adventure Time - Cake the Cat, Marceline and SHERMY!!
My Little Pony - Pinkie Pie
Splatoon - Callie
Animal Crossing - Stitches and Curlos
Kirby - Bandana Dee
Lackadaisy - Freckle
Wings of Fire - Starflight
Spyro the Dragon
Lucky Star - Konata Izumi